Monday, 11 April 2011

4th Image : Healthy Eating

These are the original image i have use for my 4th image Healthy Eating. 1st is the image of apples that represents healthy fruit. 2nd is the image of healthy vegetables and 3rd is the image of a woman eating an apple and holding the weighing scale machine. I am lucky this time because there are already images that suite my idea. So i just use it and combine those images in Photoshop with few adjustment , add in background and text.
For this image i use simple background.I choose green color and i add noise filter effect to add some texture on it.

After combining all the images using masking technique and selection using magic wand tool, here is the results.I used two types of fonts.First is Cooper Font  for the Healthy Eating text with white color and drop shadow effects.Second is Century School Book Font for Fruits & Vegetables text with green color.So this is my 4th image product for Healthy Lifestyle Concept, Healthy Eating.

Mind and body healthy due to the food we eat. We need to wisely choose foods that are appropriate to the needs of our bodies. Eat less greasy, fatty foods and less sugar and salt in our daily diet can help prevent many diseases and have a healthy body. Eat more foods such as vegetables, fruits and foods that contain high fiber. Healthy eating and well balanced diet is important to maintain weight and prevent obesity.

Monday, 4 April 2011

5th image : Happy Family


For my 5th image i did draw my own background. At first i draw 2 rectangular shapes and i fill it with gray and green color.I then draw a line across these 2 shapes and i use the darker green color. I use noise effect to the gray shape to make it look nice. I use polygonal lasso tool to draw my house shape.After i draw the shape i fill it with gray color and i add in drop shadow and the stroke layer effect with green color. On right is the final background image.

Next i choose this happy family photo to be insert in the house shape. I use magic wand tool to make the selection. I also put this holding hands picture into the image to represent love.

This is the final image, Happy Family.

By practicing a healthy lifestyle will not only affect the individual alone, but rather the practice can leave a positive impact on the entire family. For example, a healthy diet can prevent themselves from diseases, the practice of exercise activity can help increase metabolism and make us fit and healthy, balance work and life can prevent stress and all of these are good practice and should be applied in a whole family. Family fun and happiness is a mirror to practice a healthy lifestyle.

3rd Image : Work-Life Balance

It is really hard to find an image of woman that show suitable pose for my 3rd image.So i have to do a lot of editing to this picture. On left is the original picture and on right is the picture i already edit. I delete a few parts of leg at the back and also a few parts of the woman's collar.
 I found this blue jeans image and cut it into half.I want to put this half jeans to the woman later on.

I also found this long sleeve shirt and I think it is suitable to use for this image. I do some modification and the result is like on right.I'm going to put this shirt to the woman later.

I found this sandal which i think suitable to use. I do selection using magic wand tool. On right is the result.
This is the result after i combine those picture that i have modified. I add in some reflection to the image. 

 I then select the green apple picture and also the pink laptop to be place on top of the woman's hands. I draw 2 lines across the woman body to represent balance.

I use both images as my background.

This is my 3rd image , Work-Life Balance.

A healthy lifestyle can also be practiced in maintaining the balance of the workload in the office and daily life at home. We must be wise to strike a balance if not it will be an impact on mental health, physical and emotional. We need to know how to divide time between work and rest time at home.  

Managing the office should never be brought to the house. Our bodies need adequate rest and sometimes we need time to cool off and escape from stress in the workplace. During free time do the activities you enjoy such as watching movies, outings with friends go for SPA or perhaps window shopping to release your tension. Besides eating the healthy food can make your body always feel fresh, intelligent mind and your life will be more cheerful.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

2nd Image : Active Lifestyle

This is the image of family cycling together.

 This is the image of a woman running.I select the woman's image using pen tool and create my own shadow.On right is the result of the process.

This is the measuring tape image.I use to modified the tape to make it stretch and replace a few numbers on the tape to suite my idea.I replace the number 4 on top of the tape to DAY 2 and number 2,3 and 4 at bottom to DAY 1.
I use this cloud image to be my background and i use masking technique to make it blend with all the image.

This is the final product for my 2nd image the Active Lifestyle.

When we talk about active lifestyles often must involve activities that lead to body movement or with other words exercise. To maintain good health you must exercise at least 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week. Regular exercise can help improve the health and intelligence. Perform exercises such as jogging or biking with your family and make it as your regular exercise.

1st Image : Mighty Kid

This is the picture of the kid shows his muscle.I selected only the kid's body without the background using magic wand tool.

On left is the picture of a body builder man.I choose this picture to be the shadow of the kid.I just want to use his body shape and eliminate those lines.I use pen tool to select his body.On right is the result of my selection.

I just select one glass of milk to be used in this image.I use pen tool to select it.In the middle is the result from the selection process. My intention is to make the kid hold the glass.So in order to do that i have to make a selection of the kid's finger and put in front of the glass so its look like the kid hold it in his hand.
This is the wall image.I use it as the background.

This is the final product.The image shows a kid holding a glass of milk and there is a shadow of a muscular man on the wall.I scale the shadow to make it bigger and skew it.I use Gaussian Blur effects to the shadow to make it blur and reduce the opacity to 50%.

In relation with the concept title which is Mighty Kid, i want to convey a message in order
to ensure that a child has a healthy growth of strong bones, one way is to make sure they get enough calcium in their diet. The shadow of a muscular man is actually represents an adult who has managed to grow up strong and healthy which is what the child in the picture was imagine to become one.The idea of making the child holding a glass of milk is because a calcium contained in milk may help their bones growth stronger and healthier.
The word Mighty actually represent the whole idea of being strong and healthy and especially when it relates to children the most important thing is to focus on their growth.

Latest Concept and Idea

I have decided to change my concept after i notice my previous idea is NOT actually right.So finally i change my concept to Healthy Lifestyle.These are my new 5 images that im going to upload:
1. Mighty kid
2. Active Lifestyle
3. Work Life Balance
4. Healthy Eating
5. Happy Family

I have done with my first 2 images and the rest i will upload soon before this Thursday...